The "bare bones" you need to build your own P60 dropin! Takes a 17mm driver and a 16mm LED MCPCB. If you'd like to receive a dropin ready-to-run, choose the custom build option.
Custom Build Option:
Pick which LED (no MT-G2 or XHP70 LEDs) and driver you would like (17mm driver, 16mm MCPCB), add them to your cart and select this option. If there is more than one suitable LED and combination, please note in the checkout comments which you would like used for the custom build option.
You probably want to limit current to 2.2A for most hosts, and 3.0A for a good Solarforce host with foil wrapped for better heat sinking.
There is a 4-5 week waiting period for all custom builds.
If you'd like to learn how to wrap your dropin, watch vinhnguyen54's video.